Saturday, April 27, 2013

XC10 Riders Reunite at Assault on the Carolinas

One of the real pleasures since riding across America has been the times when some of us are able to get together and ride again. This happened on April 13th in Brevard NC. The ride was a 65 mile ride with 7000 ft of climbing. The climb up Caesars Head was 7 miles. Sounds like a day on tour.

The other riders where Chris Hall, Sam Watson, Jim Olson, Craig Probst, Jim Hall, and yours truly. Of course we had the required pre ride dinner (but not at Applebee's). And a bit of beer was consumed. And we did Tracy proud with out XC10 Crossroads jerseys. Sometimes it pays to be the oldest one in the group. It makes coming in last more worthwhile.


  1. Cool...7000 feet! I'm impressed. Great warmup for Mingus Mtn...keep pedaling.

  2. The excitment builds; the blogs have now started; only two weeks before departure from Manhattan Beach!

    I'll drop by the hotel to say hello and will be on the pier on Mother's Day.

