What a trip. Luckenbach TX is a little one store town that has no reason to exist except for people to come in and party. Apparently there is a Willie Nelson song about it but I don't know the words. There were three of us here today who rode out there. The picture is Jim Ollson and Ron Allum. They were kind enough to ride slow enough for me to keep up with them on a 30 mile, warm the legs up, ride. There was a 20 mph steady wind so this was not an easy ride. Luckenbach was filled with bikers (remind anyone of Daytona) and others there to drink beer and party. Isn't that a cool ATM machine behind Jim and Ron. There really is an ATM in there but their is a sign to keep the outhouse door closed because the sun burns out the screen.
The remainder of the riders are coming in tonight. Everyone is from the Denver area except me. Tracy (Crossroads owner) flew down even though she cannot ride because she is recovering from surgery. It is so great to have her here.
Tomorrow I will take more pictures of the countryside because it is really pretty. Today I was just trying to keep the Big Dogs in my sights.
Hey, Jan! Have a wonderful time and stay safe.