Tonight I have to ask myself if a joy of long distance cycling leads to insanity. And the answer is maybe it does. Because during the last two days I drove halfway across southern USA in order to ride my bike for a week. It is a long way from the East Coast to Fredricksburg TX. It would have been at least 20 hours. However, one should not attempt to drive through Austin, TX, on a Friday afternoon. I think that added at least two hours to the trip. Actually I would rather have been riding the rumble strips and getting passed by logging trucks on 17A. ES11 riders will understand how painful that was. Other than the pain of sitting in the car for two days, it was a nice trip. The dogwoods were in bloom and there were lots of them on I20. And the peach trees are in bloom here in Fredricksburg.
The actual cycling will start tomorrow. Because this is such great country for cycling, I know it will be an enjoyable week. I am not sure how many riders will be here. We will have a great time no matter who comes. The roads and restaurants are top notch. So what more can a person ask for. Well maybe good weather (and I haven't looked at the forecast.)
I am really looking forward to a week of challenging riding in the hills. I have trained hard over the winter because we had really good weather in SC. Once again, the low country is nothing like the hills, so the legs will have to do a lot more work. It is just great to know that at my age it is possible to continue to ride and to improve slightly each year.
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