Friday, June 7, 2013

Last Day in Kansas

We have finally finished riding on Kansas and are now on St Joseph Mo.

Here are some myths about Kansas which I can now verify the truth or non-truth about them.

Kansas is flat: False. Two days ago we climbed 6000 feet and yesterday 2000 ft. Very little of where we rode was flat.

Kansas is pretty and scenic: True. Lots of green beautiful scenery. And of course lots of grain elevators.

Kansas is windy: Absolutely true.

The prevailing wind is from the SW. False. We had NE winds every day but one and that day it was SE. Crosswinds and headwinds.

Now we have the Missouri rolling hills. You can see below the task we face the next two days. Hope I can get lots of speed going down to get up. Had the mechanic check my shifting last night to make sure the cables had not stretched too much.

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