Thursday, June 13, 2013

To Champaign - Rest Day - to Crawfordsviille

So the day to Champaign seemed much longer than the 107 mile day to Springfield. Funny how that works. It was 87 miles. Most of the riders felt that way also. I guess we knew that once we got there, we would have a rest day. For myself I had pushed really hard going to Springfield. I think my body was running out of energy. But I made it in. I stopped at the bike store to buy a new rain coat. However the only ones they had in my size were black. Now why do they make cycling rain coats in black? So I will continue to get wet if it rains.

Upon arrival in Champaign I immediately saw Hank, Champ, and Mike from ES 11. Mike will be riding, Hank will be riding half the day and staffing the other half. Champ lives nearby and was visiting and hosting wine and cheese parties in his room. Fun to get together again.

Today was helmet decorating day and the riders had some great creative helmets. Such a fun way to start the day. Hank pulled me to the SAG where he had to stop riding and get on the truck to deliver bags. That was a big help to me. Champ rode with us to that point as well. The rest of the day I was on my own.

We are now in corn and soy bean country. The corn is not very tall due to late planting because of rain. And we crossed into Indiana today.

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