Friday, May 24, 2013

Grants to Albuquerque to Santa Fe

For those hardy souls who look for the blog daily, you noticed there was no blog yesterday.  The bottom line is that I was way too exhausted to think, let alone write anything.  Old age is not for sissies and I think old age has caught up with me the last two days.  Either that or the altitude, maybe I will blame it on the altitude.

The ride from Grants to Albuquerque was doable.  There was some headwind and quite a crosswind.  We had some more miles on I40 but they were not as treacherous as the day before.  There was quite a nice shoulder for riding.  The bad part was at about mile 50, just after a great SAG stop (with a Dairy Queen) there was a 5 mile climb.  It was unrelenting and I was glad to get to the top.  However, then there was a long downhill run into town.  I think some of the riders, the brave or stupid ones, got up to speeds nearing 50 mph.  Not me.  I was tired and not very sure of my balance by that time of the day, so once again gave the brakes a workout.  It seemed like a long slog to get through town to the hotel.  I was exhausted and barely made it through dinner.  I went to bed without organizing everything for the next day, which is not like me.

Today's ride to Santa Fe did not go well.  My continuing altitude headache and my lack of ability to get enough oxygen made it very difficult.  I decided I was not having fun and I did not need to prove anything so got in the van.  I spent 2 hours in Madrid, an old mining town which is not artsy crafty and full of hippies.  Carol and Robin, the SAG ladies, and Jeanne, my riding partner and I roamed through the stores and had one of the best hamburgers I have ever had.

Tomorrow is a rest day and I think everyone is ready for that.  We need to rest up for a couple more days of climbing.  I will spend the day doing laundry, resting, and picking up any sundry items I need.  But mostly resting.  This body definitely needs it.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy your well deserved rest day tomorrow in Santa Fe! Nietzsche said "What does not destroy me, makes me stronger". Know that you are very strong! (I also have it, also on good authority, that Nietzsche never rode a bike from LA to Santa Fe, like you have.) Hang in there!
