Sunday, May 12, 2013

Los Angeles to Riverside - What a Start

Today was the start of the ride and what a day it was.  You can see the group assembled at Manhattan Beach ready to begin.  We had ridden to the beach as a group and had the ceremonious dipping of the rear wheel in the water.  And then we were off across the country.  Today's ride was stop and go as we had what seemed like hundreds of stop lights along the way.  There is only one way to get out of LA and that is to ride through a portion of LA.  While it was not the most scenic of rides, the flowers and trees that were in bloom were beautiful. 

The ride was going well until it started to get hot at about mile 45.  Unfortunately that is where we also started climbing.  These were not big climbs but a small climb becomes big when the temperature starts rising.  My Garmin showed a high of 111 degrees when I downloaded the data.  That was the heat coming off of the pavement and the heat we felt as riders.  Everyone struggled today and several of us ended up getting a bump in the van.  That several included me.  At mile 60 of 78 I became really heated and could not get cooled down, even with water poured on me.  So I decided that completing every mile of the ride was no longer important.  Living to ride another day was very important.

There are quite a variety of riders in this group.  And there are a lot of women which is nice.  The group includes two sets of fathers and daughters.  What a great experience for them.

I am quite tired tonight so this is not the best blog ever.  But I think you will understand.  Tomorrow we have 90 miles to Indio and then we come to the desert.  This is going to be a really tough week.


  1. Wow, what a tough start...Glad to hear you survived. Hope you wake up today cool and ready to push on. May the heat gods smile a little more favorably on all of you. Bob

  2. Hi Jan, sorry it was so HOT! But you were smart to jump in the van. Take care of my sweetheart for me!

  3. Tough start. I am there with you! Hang in there!

  4. Jan,

    Fantastic!!! Great job on the first two days....

    I rode XC12 and am really going to enjoy reading your blog each day. You have my daily support and prayers.

    I live in SoCal and I can attest that the WX was a bit hotter than normal over the weekend, at least in the LA basin. Congrats that you made it the first two days..... if its any consolation, as you climb up thru the CA-AZ desert you do actually get into a bit of cooler climate.
    Take it one mile and one day at a time and you will do just fine. Enjoy this very special section of desolate and hot as it may seem, it is very unique and will be gone before you know it.


  5. It may be necessary to have a very cool person in the van at all times to be used as a human heat exchanger. Just hook an IV between the overheated rider and the cool guy -- I suggest George Clooney.

    Seriously, you were wise to van it. Stay smart all the way home, and have fun.
