Saturday, June 26, 2010

Final Day - Burlington MASS to Revere Beach

The final ride to Revere Beach was a happy and sad ride. We were all so excited that we were riding 18 miles and would have made it across the USA when we got to Revere Beach. However, many of us were sad that the adventure was over. We left the hotel as a single group and rode to the rendezvous point five miles from the beach. We had become a real team over the weeks and wanted to stay together the entire 18 miles. Once we were at the rendezvous point we lined up two by two to ride in to the beach. My daughter, grandson, her mother-in-law were among the group waiting for us. Jack had made a poster saying "Way to go Grams". It was wonderful to see him and the rest of the welcoming committee.

After taking the group photo we dipped our wheels in the Atlantic Ocean. We have all had our own personal ride and grown in our own ways over the 7 weeks. The memories we share and the experiences we had will never leave us. It was truly sad to say good-bye to everyone.

That evening we had the final banquet. The staff surprised me by giving me the "map" as recognition of the inspiration I provided during the ride. I may not have been the fastest but I was determined to ride the most miles I could every day. Sometimes that meant I came in as much as an hour later than everyone else.

I will post one more blog entry in a couple of days. That will be a reflection on the trip.


  1. Congrats! You are one amazing lady!

  2. Am not surprised that you were recognized for your courage and determination - you deserved it. And I thoroughly enjoyed your blogs and your daily adventures. In addition to being an inspiration to the XC10 gang I'm sure the memory of Gram's accomplishment will stick with young Jack all his life. - Thanks much for sharing and Godspeed.

  3. Good job! You deserved the special recognition and the gift of the map. I will always remember your determination and guts. Stay in touch.
